Titanium SDK 12.0.0.GA released

The stable version (GA) of the Titanium SDK12.0.0 is now available. Titanium SDK 12.0.0 is a major release of the SDK, addressing high-priority issues from previous releases.

iOS adds support for the Dynamic Island API and adds a new error page layout. Andorid targetSDK is now 33 and you can use Material3 themes like Theme.Titanium.Material3.DayNight.

For a more detailed overview, known issues and closed tickets, see the release notes: Titanium SDK 12.0.0.GA Release Note.


Follow these steps to get SDK 12.0.0.GA:

  1. Install the CLI with [sudo] npm i -g titanium alloy
  2. Run titanium sdk install 12.0.0.GA
  3. Set <sdk-version>12.0.0.GA</sdk-version> in your tiapp.xml


Execute titanium sdk install latest --default to rollback.

Report Bugs

As always, please test it on your apps and give feedback. If you run into any issues that seem related to the updates, please report them on GitHub.

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Hans Knöchel

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